Such torture...
!The written lyrics say この猫/kono neko “this cat” but unless I’m going deaf the spoken lyrics seem to say この子/kono ko, which although can mean ‘this animal’ it also means ‘this child’ or ‘this girl/young woman’ Since she/her can be used for all of those, it’s what I went for… but it’s up to interpretation what is a metaphor and what isn't
TLDR: everything in brackets are spoken words different from the written lyrics, I triple checked but done by ear so may have some errors!
やっぱりこの猫 (こ)も僕のこと好きがなのだと
でも私の体はこの猫を どうしても 拒絶してしまうようなので
I love this cat (her) and
after all I think this cat (she) loves me too
But it seems whatever I do my body rejects this cat (her)
そうまだこれだ こんなのばっかりだ
こいつがまだ どうしようもないんだ
Ah, this again, this always happens
I still don’t know what to do about (her)
猫アレルギー 猫アレルギー
Cat allergy Cat allergy
猫(きみ)が泣くまで 頬擦してみたいのに さ
Even though I want to try rubbing cheeks together until this cat (you) cry
この前えらぁい人が来て 私(ぼく)に とっておきの話を してくれたんだ
「*成レバ為せる (やればできる)
*成レバ為ス (**なせばなる)」
Earlier, a very~ important person came over, and told me something very valuable
It’s bad (useless) because you think it’s bad (useless)
It’s wrong (impossible) because you think it’s wrong (impossible)
*If you become, you can do it (if you try you can do it)
if you become, you’ll do it (if you do it, it will become)
*成レバ為せる is a reversal of the spoken**なせばなる
Which is literally; if you do it, it will become” basically… ‘you can do it if you try’ so I’ve /literally/ reversed the saying since “if you become (a cat) you can do it” is a possible interpretaion, and the word for ‘become’ used here is also often used for “becoming a form/turning into something” as well… I also found it on a blog about common typos lol
やってみなきゃ わかんないもんね
If I don’t try I’ll never know I suppose
I’ll try out various things
From now little by little
Get my body accustomed
Eating cat food
Meowing(speaking) cat words
Praising the cat sun
Measuring the cat sky
Grieving cat deaths
Meowing(singing) cat songs
Offering cat flowers
Teasing cat birds
Biting at cat winds
Wishing on the cat moon
At the time when my tail starts to sprout
I think we’ll just about be able to make eye contact
猫アレルギー 猫アレルギー
Cat allergy Cat allergy
For the sake of being able to rub cheeks together till you meow (say) “mew~”
やっぱりこの猫 (こ)も僕のこと好きがなのだと
でも私の体はこの猫を どうしても 拒絶してしまうようなので
I love this cat (her)
And after all I think this cat (she) loves me too
But it seem whatever I do my body rejects this cat (her)
やはり この猫 (こ)の体は私(僕)のことを
どうしても 受け入れないと思うので
So after all I think whatever I do this cat’s body just won’t accept me
私(僕)アレルギー 私(僕)アレルギー
Allergy to me, allergy to me
知っているさ よくよくよく知っているさ
抑えつけるんだ やっつけるんだ
You don't know what to do right?
I know, I really really really understand that
But, (I’m) constraining (it) doing away with (it)
私(僕)アレルギー 私(僕)アレルギー
The cat’s (your)
Allergy to me, allergy to me
In truth this cat (you) really wants to touch me too, right?
...In truth you want to suffer more right?
Corrections welcome, I only translated, all credit goes to the original creators remember to give them your support! This video was created for non-profit entertainment purposes only.
Illust : seri
Music lyrics : Ael
Song : Hatsune Miku V3