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Bài hát Mouse Love Rice Báo Lỗi

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Lời Bài Hát Mouse Love Rice

when that day I hear your voice
I have some special feeling
Let me awlays think I don`t wanna forget you
I remember at the day
You are awlays on my mind
Eventhough I just can think about you
If the day in the future
this love will beecoming true
I`ve never change my mind that I will love you forever
I don`t care how fool it is
I will let my drem come true
I will let my something I wanna let you khow ,I let you khow

I love you, as the mouse love the rice
Even every day has storm , I will awlays by your side
I miss you , missing you
I don`t care how hard it is
I just want you be happy
Everything ,I do it for you

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