carried away into a hectic day...
listen to that tuning...
you can buy the album this is on (emotion railway) on booth
(come on... give those hard working producers your money)
partly a test upload to see if the wifi on my new computer is... working (it's not) if anyone knows why an 80211ac computer advertised to be backwards compatible, only manages 1-2mbps on a 80211n wifi network (all other devices using it get way higher) hmu
also thanks to angelsubs for helping me sub this! and for saving me from the hell that was avidemux
夢のような街なんです ひしめくビルの隙間で今日も
カラフルなもの背負って カラフルな場所へ急いで向かって
It’s a dream-like town, today too between the gaps in the clamouring buildings
Shouldering a bunch of colourful things, and hurriedly heading towards a colourful place
(進めない) 気が狂いそうになる大人たちが
(戻れない) 着飾った彼女も髪を乱して
(can’t get forward) the adults looking like they’re about to lose it...
(can’t turn back) a dressed up girl dissaranges her hair
待って 止まって 落ち着かせて少しだけ
ああ! なんて忙しないの!
Wait, stop, let me calm down just a bit
Aa! Just how *restless!
I feel like I’m gonna be crushed!
*or “in a hurry”
新宿シック 彷徨って 君の居るとこへと駆け出したい
目まぐるしい一日へと あれよあれよと流されてく
新宿シック もうたくさん! 縮めた僕らは何処へ行くの?
溢れ出す Sick of, Sick of Shinjuku Station…
Shinjuku sick (chic??) wandering around, I want to dash off to where you are
Being dumbfoundedly *carried away into a hectic (one) day
Shinjuku Sick, I’ve had enough! Where do we, shrunken down, go?
Pouring out, sick of, sick of shinjuku station…
*lit passive washed away / spilled away / circulated
*あれよあれよと is literally “while suprised” (an expression) translated roughly(?) as dumbfoundedly
ヘッドフォンで紛らわす お嬢さん
抱っこして何処行くの? ねえ、奥さん
やだ 睨まないで
Diverting with your headphones, (young) miss
Hugging (a baby) just where are you going, hey, ma’am
Aw come on, don’t glare at me
待って 止まって 少しだけ考えさせてよ
もう! 融通きかないなぁ!
Wait, stop, just let me think for just a bit
Jeez! *It’s just not accommodating at all
( negative of 融通がきく? (to be flexible / to be accommodating) in this case an expression talking about, something’s way of working not being adaptable to other people etc)
I’m gonna get real frustrated, argh
新宿シック 間違ったイロドリ選んで さあ大変だ!
簡単にゃ戻れないよ 落ち着かせてよ、お願いだから
新宿シック もううんざり 迷子の僕らは何処へ行くの?
溢れ出す Sick of, Sick of Shinjuku Station…
Shinjuku Sick, picking the wrong colouring, now it’s serious!*
You can't turn back so easily, let me calm down, please I’m begging
Shinjuku Sick, I’m fed up now, just where do we, lost children, go?
Pouring out, sick of, sick of shinjuku station...
(さあ)大変だ / now it’s serious! Seems to be a common phrase(?)I used a common translation for it, but it could literally be “come, it’s a big panic!” “it’s a big deal” or more roughly “good heavens!” anything along those lines
新宿シック さあ進もう 好きな色の中へ駆け出して
カラフルメイズ攻略して あれよあれよと流されぬよう
新宿シック ボーイズ&ガール 夢を背負い込んだら動き出すよ
さよなら Sick of, Sick of Shinjuku Station...
Shinjuku Sick, come, let’s move forward, dashing off to within our favourite colours
*Capturing a colourful maze, so we won’t be dumbfoundedly carried away
Shinjuku sick, boys & girl, if you crowd in shouldering your dream, it will come to life
Goodbye sick of, sick of shinjuku station…
*literally capturing but can also refer to like… game “captures” or walkthroughs
Sick of, Sick of,
Sick of, Sick of Shinjuku Station...
Subs&Encoding help■Angelsubs @
Feel free to say if you find any mistakes~ I only translated this video, all credit goes to the original creators remember to give them your support! This video was created for non-profit entertainment purposes only.