Tokyo cyber detectives...
I caught a cold and haven't been feeling up to subbing this week sorry for the wait!
note the 'cyber' in the title is literally 'electric brain' in japanese... it's in a line about brainwashing so I translated it as such there
summary for the tokyo cyber detectives series :
Buy the novel on amazon! :
L さあさあ 物語の幕開け
L Come now, it’s time for the curtains to rise on our story
are you all ready? hold your finger on the trigger
“this is just how reality is”
it’s (not) like cursing is gonna change anything
R 電脳 洗脳 相乗反応
甘い罠には十分ご注意ください ワイヤーを張り巡らせ
R electric brain, brain washing, synergistic reaction
Please be very careful for sweet traps, laying out wires
“ain’t it fine to be vague and unclear?”
M 誰かを傷つけてまで手に入れたいものは何?
守りたいと思うもの たとえ其れを失っても
M What’s something you want to get so badly, you’ll be willing to hurt others?
O’ Moon watching over us with a look filled with grief
What is something that destroys bonds, stronger than red blood?
Something you think ‘I want to protect this’ even if you lose that
MLR 1.2.3で飛び出した 世界に浸食されないように
L 胸の鼓動だけを信じて駆け抜けてゆく
MLR すれ違ったままの感情でそれでも背中を合わせて
R 不安 焦燥 傷跡を隠して
M 放った弾丸の還る場所を求めた
MLR We leaped in with a 1 2 3, so that we won’t be corroded away by the world
L we believe only in the beating of our hearts and keep on running through
MLR standing back to back, even with our differing feelings
R anxiety, impatience, hiding scars
M we seeked for the place where our let loose bullets return
M 細い光の線をたどる 祈りは通じたのかしら?
十字を切ることの意味 誰が教えてくれるの
空を泳ぐ鳥たち 何を象徴しているの
見つけて私はココに 泥だらけの手で涙を拭いた
M following a thin beam of light; have my prayers got through, I wonder?
The meaning of making the symbol of the cross, who will teach me it
The birds swimming through the sky, what do they symbolise
I who found it, here, wiped away my tears with dirt covered hands
L 夕暮れの境界線 君が思うよりも
R 籠の中の鳥たちは飛ぶ夢を忘れない
L the evening’s borderline, shines down on us
Far more gently than you think
R The caged birds can’t forget their dreams of flying
Even now the echos of (their?) unfading voices strangle my chest
MLR 1.2.3で飛び出した 存在証明は誰の手に
L 造り出された運命 生まれてきた意味を手繰る
MLR 止まったままの時計の螺旋を誰が巻いてくれるの?
R 残酷 劣等 悲しみを湛え
M 放った弾丸は誰かを傷つけるんだ
MLR We leaped in with a 1 2 3, whose hand does our proof of existence lie in
L Manufactured fate, pulling in the meaning for our birth
MLR who will wind the spring on the still stopped watch?
R Cruelty, Inferiority, filling to the brim with sadness
M The let loose bullet hurts someone
R 孤独の種が芽吹くころ
L 記憶は懐古する
R 幼子の手を引く影を追いかけて
L 積み木崩しのよう バラバラになった過去
R the time when the seeds of loneliness bud
L memory recalls the old times
R chasing after the shadows taking children by the hand
L the past in pieces, like toppling building blocks
MLR 3.2.1で飛び出した 少しずつ浸食されながら
L 月明かりが照らす 涙は零れ落ちてゆく
MLR 運命という名の鎖につながれたままの感情
R それでも綺麗だと想う
M 放った弾丸は君のことを守るんだ
MLR We leaped in with a 3 2 1, while being corroded away bit by bit
L the tears the moonlight shines upon spillover and fall down
MLR our emotions still tied by the chains called “fate”
R but even still, I think it’s beautiful
M the let loose bullets protect you
音楽:PolyphonicBranch [mylist/12878576] @Tomoya_PB
四弦:イガラシ @ygarshy
作画:MONQ [PixivID=1167441] @m_OnQ
動画:hie [mylist/9655416] @hie0727
This video was created for non-profit entertainment purposes only