I am so hungry
"Nice to meet you to all new viewers, I'm Pinocchio-P
Something broke during filming. we fixed it"
-Video description
and if you're interested this is apparently the exact restaurant it was filmed at it's called yakitori house Heiankyou- http://tabelog.com/kanagawa/A1405/A140506/14025229/
- Guzu, on its own means "dull" / "thickheaded" (adjective & noun) here it may also refer to the guzuyaki festival I can't find much in english : http://www.goldenjipangu.com/140827kaga.html
( a longer version but in japanese can be found here)
: http://youkaitama.seesaa.net/article/265423515.html
- Ox head and horse face, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ox-Head_and_Horse-Face
- Button, in japanese restaurants you often have a call button to get the waiter over to your table : http://www.facingtherisingsun.com/japan-travel-tips-eating/japanese-restaurant-server-call-button
Original title - 「頓珍漢の宴」
Music & Illust - Pinocchio-P
Photography - Yuma Saito
Photographing collaboration - Heiankyou
Original link - http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm25698086
Off vocal - http://piapro.jp/t/CZNI
Disclaimer - I only translated this video, all credit goes to the original creators please support them instead! this video was created for non-profit entertainment purposes only.
Hope you enjoyed, If there's any mistakes please point them out to me
I'm still hungry though