Ohisashiburi desu ne! This is a translation done for my friend Endless who will be using it for the high-minded purposes of "science!" and "research!". But in all seriousness this is a very powerful and meaningful song that definitely left it's impact on me. I don't have much of a background in the recent on-goings of the Vocaloid community to know if this is based around a singular event but the way it captures that feeling of helplessness and disillusionment that the harsh online world can create is just magnificent. I liked the black-splash effect on the screen, seeming to represent kind of the verbal and mental pollution of making your way amongst hateful comments and interactions of the online world. Another minor thing you might not know is that, ¥ is the symbol for Japanese currency (yen), so that implication that "money" is playing a role here is definitely strong suggested. And from OwataP's own notes on the lyrics, if you were having trouble understanding which "World" the song usually references (that "playground" as well), it is the online one. Also, from the perspective of musical quality the vocals and instrumentals are stunning and it was also a great chance to do my first Yuzuki Yukari song so I was definitely excited about that.
Most of the on screen text is related to things like album releases, novel adaptations, "live" and performance discussions, a snippets of simulated online conversations or interactions. Basically a variety of choices, endeavors, and interactions that can all lead to drama and conflict online I suppose.Given that you can grasp the major theme of the song from just the lyrics it's probably for the best to not pollute the screen with them. But if you feel something is really important or you are dying to know, tell me the screen time (ie 2:35) of the text you want typed up and I'll put it somewhere for you.
I also noticed as I uploaded this that my friend and excellent translator Coleena has also translated this song as well as OwataP's own notes for his most recent creation. She has kindly provided them here: http://papercoleena.tumblr.com/post/41987218543/explanation-about-the-lyrics-of-the-end (Don't forget to follow her tumblr and subscribe to her channel, she does great stuff)
Original Video uploaded by OwataP: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19910050
Owata/オワタP - mylist/3236873 Mie no Hito/三重の人 - mylist/10397135
I hope you enjoyed this translated work, please feel free to share these videos wherever Vocaloid fans might be interested in seeing them. I want to encourage all my viewers to please remember how lucky we are to have so many talented producers creating this wonderful music. Whenever you have the time, please make the effort to visit, mylist, like, comment on, and share their original videos on both NicoDouga and Youtube (I will always provide these links if they exist). I feel that we should really make this effort for Japanese producers to notice and appreciate their international fans. Don't forget to thank them via twitter and other means and please support these artists by buying their CDs and music whenever you can. I have lots of experience purchasing Vocaloid songs and albums for myself from Japan and if I can answer any questions that will help you to locate and buy the albums and Mp3s of Vocaloid producers you want to support, I will be glad to help you. Just send me a message.
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Descent's Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/descent87
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