"For those who don't know, my name is Pinocchio-P. Die!" -Producer Comments
It was nice to see yet another catchy upload by Pinocchio-P, one of the last of the major producers who is still active. This is yet another song from his upcoming "Antenna" album set to be released at Comiket on the 31st, so if you can't be there be sure to be on the lookout out for it at other stores that often stock Vocaloid CDs. Pinocchio-P also announced that he will have a live performance in Tokyo on 3/22 of next yet with more details to come later.
Original Upload: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27868484
Music, Some of the Art/ピノキオピー(Twitter@pinocchiop) mylist/11284855
Art / ツインテール今村 (Twitter@KYK_twintail) mylist/46128557
Video/ Yuma Saito mylist/25488373
■Lyrics+offvocal → http://piapro.jp/t/918Z
Hi! I’m descentsubs and thanks for watching this subtitled video! Please Subscribe and Share my videos wherever you’d like! I claim no credit for these videos beyond my translations and thus I hope you won’t forget to support the original artists too! I’m an ALT living in Fukushima Prefecture and it is my pleasure to help share these wonderful Vocaloid songs with people all over the world
My Blog: http://descentsubs.wordpress.com/ (Sub files, Romaji Lyrics, Novel Translations, Ect)
My Tumblr Page: http://descent87.tumblr.com/ (Links to my uploads)
My Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/descent87 (Songs, My life in Japan, Translations from Me and Other Friends)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/descent87 (Follow me for updates!)
Descentsubs on Google+: http://tinyurl.com/l923gf2
E-mail: [email protected] (Questions, collaboration requests, and other inquiries canal go here)
You can use my translations or subtitled videos for your own covers, translations or creative projects IF you properly credit and link the original producer and myself. Please remember how lucky we are to have so many talented producers creating these amazing songs for us. Definitely take time to visit, favorite, mylist, like, tweet about, comment on, and share their original videos on both NicoDouga and/or Youtube. They want to and need to hear the voices of fans from all over the world. Help support those artists by buying their CDs and music when you can. I will be glad to try and help you if you are having problems doing one of these things. I love meeting other Vocaloid fans so never hesitate to contact me!
初めまして, descentsubsと申します。平成25年度に来日してきて、現在には福島県で努めております。アメリカ人のボーカロイド大ファンであり、当チャンネルで英語圏のボカロファンのために様々なプロデューサー方の曲を英訳し、字幕付き動画を公開させていただいております。わたくしにとってプロデューサー方の善意と特権を守ることは大事だと存じます。いつもプロデューサー方の述べられたご希望に従って翻訳活動いたすように心掛けていますが、もしプロデューサー方のご希望に反する相応しくない行為をうっかり犯してしまえば、ご遠慮なく教えてください。プロデューサー方からのご要望とご依頼を受ける場合には速やかに従っていきたいと考えております。プロデューサー方と協力してプロデューサー自身のチャネルで字幕を設定するのが理想的だと思い、その故に英訳・字幕づくりリクエストをいつも募集しております。ご気楽に日本語でメッセージを送りになってください。(メール:[email protected])わたくしは微力でありながら今後も明るくボーカロイドの未来をもたらすように頑張りますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。