"Just hit me with a truck-load of self-hating feels why don't ya?" - Subber Comment
Damn Deco*27 can take any theme whatsoever and turn it into a badass song. Not to mention with his recently releases you can't help but suspect that the slow march to another album release has already begun. As always I tried to give this song the cool-sounding subs they deserve but I can only wish I had Deco-sama's gift of poetry. I really love how Deco*27 chooses to enhance his lyrical storytelling with his choices of kanji. Some examples from this time:
-While Miku just says "warau" (laugh) he uses 嘲笑う which means to ridicule, laugh at
-Near the end she mentions "kodoku" which is loneliness, but Deco replaced 孤独's "doku" with 毒 for poison.
-When she calls herself a liar or 嘘つき, he uses the character 憑き which also works but carries that extra "haunting/possession" connotation.
These kind of things are hard to appreciate in another language via translation (though I try for you all), but they really deepen the impact when you watch it.
Original YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KushW6zvazM
Original NND: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27965309
Music : DECO*27 mylist/9850666
Illustration : 八三
Arranged with Naoki Itai (MUSIC FOR MUSIC)