"Will I be able to secretly, secretly carry out this love?"
We're only a few weeks away from the April 17th release date of MikitoP's major debut album, "僕は初音ミクとキスをした" and MikitoP-san has released another fun and upbeat Miku/Rin duet. With a title that may or may not be a play off of the popular fall series "Chuunibyou", this song is about the plight of a "kunoichi" (female ninja) who has fallen in love in the course of her work. There's definitely some interesting tuning here as well. I hope you enjoy this song and that you will strongly consider ordering MikitoP's new album like I have. You can check out the tracklist, crossfade, and the album-accompanying charms here: http://bit.ly/WQaTUz (Official Website: http://mikitop.com/). You can order the album from Amazon here: http://amzn.to/VYGF3x or CD Japan here: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=QWCE-269
-As for translation notes, there isn't too much, but I guess I could say a few things. In the lyrics MikitoP uses the kanji "実" which is read "mi" here but can also be read as "Jitsu", It can mean "fruit" and "seed" but also "truth/reality" and "honestly/sincerity". The "fruit" pronunciation is used here but since the context is the "reality" of her being in love, I wrote the english lyrics that way. There are also a couple of times where MikitoP subs out the actual reading of several words with his own reading that has a different meaning. Many of the words containing furigana above them in the song are examples of this. None of them are really notable or wildly different though one time he has the mom saying "kunoichi" (female) but she pronounces it "onna" (woman). This is probably a amusing double reference, one being that the word kunoichi is believed to be derived from the parts of the "onna" (女) kanji, and also that a female ninja would probably be concealing her identity as a normal woman in the course of her duties.
Original NND Upload: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20413055
Karaoke DL: http://urx.nu/3DCj
music&words: みきとP/MikitoP(mylist/19099704)Twitter @mikito_p_
illust&movie: さいね(mylist/18701448) Twitter @sainexxx
mix&mastering: 友達募集P(mylist/22904031)Twitter @tomobop
syn: スズム/Suzumu(mylist/20737161/co57092) Twitter @suzumun
Thanks for Watching!
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I hope you enjoyed this translated work, please feel free to share these videos wherever Vocaloid fans might be interested in seeing them. I want to encourage all my viewers to please remember how lucky we are to have so many talented producers creating this wonderful music. Whenever you have the time, please make the effort to visit, mylist, like, comment on, and share their original videos on both NicoDouga and Youtube (I will always provide these links if they exist). I feel that we should really make this effort for Japanese producers to notice and appreciate their international fans. Don't forget to thank them via twitter and other means and please support these artists by buying their CDs and music whenever you can. I have lots of experience purchasing Vocaloid songs and albums for myself from Japan and if I can answer any questions that will help you to locate and buy the albums and Mp3s of Vocaloid producers you want to support, I will be glad to help you. Just send me a message.
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