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Video Purple Stew - MooseTube | GoNoodle

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Sing, dance and make Purple Stew with the Moose Tube Crew!

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GoNoodle gets kids moving to be their strongest, bravest, silliest, smartest, bestest selves. Over 10 million kids each month are dancing, stretching, running, jumping, deep breathing, and wiggling with GoNoodle at --

We’re making a purple stew
Whip whip whip whip
We’re making a purple stew
Shooby doobie do
With purple potatoes
And purple tomatoes
And we want you - Fabio!
What are you gonna add to our purple stew?
Purple Meatballs

We’re making a purple stew
Whip whip whip whip
We’re making a purple stew
Shooby doobie do
With purple potatoes
And purple tomatoes
And we want you - Bridgette!
What are you gonna add to our purple stew?
Purple Sparkles

We’re making a purple stew
Whip whip whip whip
We’re making a purple stew
Shooby doobie do
With purple potatoes
And purple tomatoes
And we want you - Best Boy!
What are you gonna add to our purple stew?
Purple lizards

We’re making a purple stew
Whip whip whip whip
We’re making a purple stew
Shooby doobie do
With purple potatoes
And purple tomatoes
And we want you Gorilla!?
What are you gonna add to our purple stew?
Purple bananas!

We’re making a purple stew
Whip whip whip whip
We’re making a purple stew
Shooby doobie do
With purple potatoes
And purple tomatoes
And we want YOU!
What are you gonna add to our purple stew?
ALL: Sounds delicious!

We’re making a purple stew
Whip whip whip whip
We’re making a purple stew
Shooby doobie do
With purple potatoes
And purple tomatoes
And we want TO EAT!

FABIO: Anybody want some fresh pepper!? I lova the fresha pepper! But not as much as the meatballs!

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