Move and sing along as you learn all about the crazy daily activities of the wishy washy washer woman!
This video comes from GoNoodle’s MooseTube channel. MooseTube gets kids to sing and move with a-moose-ing chants and cheers.
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GoNoodle gets kids moving to be their strongest, bravest, silliest, smartest, bestest selves. Over 10 million kids each month are dancing, stretching, running, jumping, deep breathing, and wiggling with GoNoodle at --
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman... Washing her clothes…
She goes Oo-Ah!
She goes Oo-Ah!
She goes Oo-Ah!
That’s how the wishy washy washer woman washes her clothes.
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman...
Ducking from crows!
She goes AH-Crow!
She goes AH-Crow!
She goes AH-dove!
That’s how the wishy washy washer woman ducks from crows!
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman...
Smelling her toes…
She goes (sniff ) Ah!
She goes (sniff) Ah!
She goes(sniff) EW!
That’s how the wishy washy washer woman smells her toes.
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman...
Striking a pose…
She goes “Check out these!”
She goes “Check out these!”
She goes “Oh my back!!”
That’s how the wishy washy washer woman strikes a pose!
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman...
Blowing her nose..
She goes ah-CHOO!
She goes ah-CHOO!
She goes (noseblow!)
That’s how the wishy washy washer woman blows her nose!
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman...
High-fiving her bros!
(Moose enters frame)
She goes YO-BRO!
She goes YO-BRO!
She goes YO-SIS!
That’s how the wishy washy washer woman high fives her bros!
(Moose Exits)
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman...
Running real slow
She goes slo-mo!
She goes slo-mo!
She goes FAST!
That’s how the wishy washy washer woman runs real slow.
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman...
Making free throws
She goes boom - swish!
She goes boom - swish!
She goes...AIRBALL!
That’s how the wishy washy washer woman makes free throws!
Waaaaay...down in the valley where nobody goes, there’s wishy washy washer woman...
Taking a doze.
She goes zzzz!
She goes zzzz!
She goes zzzz!
(whisper) That’s how the wishy washy washer woman takes a doze.
(Walk over to the moose)
(Moose wakes up all freaky deaky!)