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Video Lunch - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle

Ca sỹ: GoNoodle | Get Moving

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Move, dance, munch and crunch as you sing about your delicious lunch.

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Lunch, lunch
It’s time for lunch, lunch
It’s time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch
It’s time for lunch
Not brunch!
(I’m starvin!)

Lunch, lunch
It’s time for lunch, lunch
It’s time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch
It’s time for lunch
Not brunch!
(I’m starvin!)

Gonna eat some cheese, peas, broccolis
Greens, beans, tangerines
Jerky, turkey, stop your worky
Lemon, lo mein, and lima beans
Chicken fajita, hummus & pita
Ravioli, guacamole
Homemade cupcake, milkshake, earthquake
It’s time to take a break for…

Lunch, lunch
It’s time for lunch, lunch
It’s time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch
It’s time for lunch
Not brunch!
(I’m starvin!)

Lunch, lunch
It’s time for lunch, lunch
It’s time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch
It’s time for lunch
Not brunch!
(I’m starvin!)

Chicken leg, hard-boiled eggs
Clams, hams, bread with jams,
Fish filet, yogurt parfait,
Crepes, grapes, sandwich shapes,
Empanada, enchilada
Veggie stew, honeydew
Rapping ‘bout food is making me hungry for

Lunch, lunch
It’s time for lunch, lunch
It’s time to munch, crunch, eat a bunch
Get up and lunge, then take the plunge
Why we still singing
When we could be eating a
Nutritious, delicious, auspicious, propitious
Let’s eat!

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