I am so excited to announce that I have designed my first piece of Merchandise and it is an amazing Camouflage Cap , one of which I am wearing in this latest video - there are also two other super cool cap varieties on my new website thefutureisnature.com
So buy my super limited edition camo hats if you would like and enjoy your adventuring!!- ( send me a picture of you wearing it on an adventure - cheers Miller )
Check out the competition I mention in this video and on my Instagram for your chance to win one of six of my new Camo Caps!!
On this adventure I go bowfishing in a small creek near my house. Armed with my 30 pound compound bow, I try to hunt down some huge catfish to Fillet, cook and eat! After a few missed shots I ended up catching a giant Eel-Tailed Catfish!
The story: Over the past few weeks there has been a huge increase in the number of huge eels and eel-tailed catfish in my creek system - a great breeding season ! After so many people have been asking me to do more catch and cooks, I decided that this would be the perfect time to do one! After tracking down some catfish, I knew it was only a matter of time before I was able to shoot one with my compound bow! Watch the full video to see what happens!
Hey Guys/Girls thank you so much for watching! I really hope you enjoyed this video as much as I did making it. If you want to see more of what I do, please like this video and subscribe to this channel. It would mean heaps :)
Also follow me on these social medias as I post on them nearly everyday!
Instagram : millerwilson (1 post a day)
Snapchat : miller_wilson
Facebook : Miller Wilson
Thanks so much, you guys are amazing
Miller :)