I go out to The Logan River where I get STABBED by one of the worlds DEADLIEST fish but still manage to catch some Bull sharks.
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The Story: Well over the past few weeks I've been searching for Bull Sharks and after traveling to a few different places, using different bait and I had NO LUCK. Then my Uncle Steven told me that one of the best places to catch BULL SHARKS is in the Logan River, and the 2 best baits to use is freshwater eel, or live mullet. So a week later I travelled up to Logan & went fishing with him to try and catch some Bull Sharks so we could show you how to catch and release a Shark. After heading out to the junction of the Logan & Albert Rivers, we threw the anchor down, chucked in the baits and started fishing, and in no time I was hooked up to a BULL SHARK!!
And it seemed like they just kept on coming in... But that's a different story... enjoy this video and thank you!
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If you liked that Video, be sure to check out the time where I caught THE BIGGEST FRESHWATER EEL AT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bz_WX...
Cheers Miller :)