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Video [Coaching-ADC] Sivir Silver I / Mini verbal session immediately following the game

Ca sỹ: LS

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Timestamps below.
Coaching is available again. It is capped at 50 clients per month unless otherwise stated. You can find out more about it here: . The skype to add for coaching is: Lsxyzcoaching , my manager Shyann will handle all bookings on there mostly.

This is a live game coaching session where an abundance of negative thing end up being discussed. The VOD portion of the game ends up not being analyzed and I try to obtain as much info as I can to provide advice on what the person should be doing going forward and how to improve.

This is the VOD review portion of a live-coaching game. The live coaching portion of the game can be found on my page if you're interested in seeing it. The main focuses of this video center around issues that occur in the early/mid game where the player lacks understanding of using defense as offense and lane management.

The timpstamps are as follows:
00:08 Session starts / I find out the player isn't technically eligible for coaching.
2:20 Forewarning the person about the issues with coaching silver/bronze players.
4:30 Picking a champion in champ select
5:10 Why you don't pick mechanically intensive champions / champions heavily reliant on game knowledge and foresight.
6:00 Recommending Annie / The $500 bet I offered to the student who claimed Annie is "too easy"
11:30 Why I think you shouldn't look at Op.GG's or LoLking's at low mmr
13:31 Laning starts
14:30 The issues with only spending one session with a silver/bronze player, and how realistically all that can be said is verbal instruction / guidance.
15:01 How to increase your fps drastically if you already haven't
15:30~32:30 Random talk, random fights, I begin to become suspect of something.
33:30 Why he plays so many champions / looking at the
33:52 Beginning to look at the / lolking
34:50 Looking at the very bizarre MMR raise and drop
~ For the remainder of the video I try to see if I'm being lied to by questioning a lot of the inconsistencies being told to me, as I believe the only way to truly help someone is if you know exactly what is going on.
53:30 Concluding the session / my recommendations

***53:55 One of the huge common problems all bronze/silver/gold/etc players don't get: Most of the things they think matters in their game, doesn't.

Follow me:
Coaching Skype: Lsxyzcoaching
business e-mail: [email protected]

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