Timestamps :
00:06 Camille
00:11 Akali
00:15 Azir
00:34 Fiddlesticks
01:16 Fizz
01:24 Garen
01:39 Ivern
02:33 Katarina
02:54 Kog'Maw
03:29 LeBlanc
04:00 Master Yi
04:07 Nidalee
04:21 Rengar
06:47 Shaco
06:49 Shyvanna
06:52 Twitch
07:01 Varus
07:08 Vayne
07:18 Rylais Crystal Scepter & Haunting Guise
Summoner's Rift
08:34 Living Jungle
08:44 Red & Blue Buffs
09:31 Krugs
09:43 Courage of the Colossus
10:24 Fervor of Battle
11:29 Summary
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Business E-mail: Nicholas.a.decesare at gmail dot com