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Video Rare White Tiger Cubs Born in Japan

Ca sỹ: NTDTV

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A Tokyo zoo releases images of the birth of four rare white tiger cubs.

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The Tobu Zoo in Saitama, in the north-west of Japan, released video this week showing its four newest inhabitants, four rare white tiger cubs.

These cubs are the off-spring of equally rare white tigers Rocky and Carla.

White tigers, which are believed to be Bengal tigers with a pigmentation variation, are very rare in the wild as they fail to blend in with the fauna around. There are believed to be about 100 to 200 white tigers worldwide.

Most white tigers, like these in Japan, can be found in zoos. Japan alone has a population of 30 captive white tigers.

The cubs at Tobu Zoo, who have been separated from the father for the initial weaning period, have yet to be named or shown to the public. The zoo expects this will happen sometime in April at the earliest.

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