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Video Tallest Mohawk Makes Guinness Book of World Records

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Japanese fashion designer Kazuhiro Watanabe has spritzed his way to a Guinness World Record.

Watanabe's three feet, eight and a half inch mohawk is the tallest in the world, according to the Guinness World Records.

Watanabe showed off his over-the-top hairstyle on Wednesday in New York City's Washington Square Park.

Watanabe said his style needs three cans of hairspray, one full jar of gel and a hair-raising staff.

[Kazuhiro Watanabe, Guinness World Record Holder for Tallest Mohawk]:
"It took a team of three stylist and it took about two hours," he said. "I don't do it everyday because it takes so much effort to create it."

Watanabe said he has been growing his mohawk for 15 years, but he can't wear it everywhere.

[Kazuhiro Watanabe, Guinness World Record Holder for Tallest Mohawk]:
"When I am inside, I have to walk on all fours otherwise it gets stuck to the ceiling. So it's always hard to be inside of a building."

Watanabe's appearance in New York was part of a promotion for the new 2013 edition of the Guinness book of World Records.

[Stuart Claxton, Guinness World Record Spokesperson]:
"To have someone who has actually grown their hair into a mohawk taller than anyone else ever before is truly remarkable and we are always very happy to celebrate it. I tell you what, I stick quite a bit of product in my hair, but I don't think I could ever manage something that tall."

Other world record holders in the new Guinness include the world's tallest dog, the largest collection of shoes (15,665 shoe-related items) and the person with the most piercings in their tongue (16).

The book goes on sale September 13.

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