Sunday (July 7) saw the first day of the annual San Fermin bull running festival, through the streets of the northern Spanish city of Pamplona.
Despite a large crowd of runners, only two people were treated for injuries and no one was gored on Sunday morning.
There was a moment of tension as the last bull of the herd became disoriented and turned around to look at trailing runners, but it eventually entered the bullring without charging at anyone.
Nobel Prize-winning novelist Ernest Hemingway made what was once a local pageant world famous, after a visit to Pamplona in 1923 inspired him to pen "The Sun Also Rises", the novel which also established his reputation.
Runners in white garb trimmed with red sashes and scarves, herd the bulls in the early morning through Pamplona's narrow medieval streets into the bullring according to tradition.
Gorings, however, are common and local media estimate 15 runners have been killed since the current bullring was opened in 1922, the latest of whom died in 2009.