Originally an anthem for the socialist Unidad Popular of Chile, this Turkish version is sung by the famous revolutionary music band Grup Yorum in 1988.
Firtina yirtiyor sessizligi (Storm is ripping the silence off)
Ufuktan bir gunes doguyor (A sun is rising in the horizon)
Gecekondulardan geliyor halk (People are coming from shackles)
Tüm Sili sarkilar soyluyor (Entire Chile is singing songs)
Venceremos, Venceremos
Kiralim zincirlerimizi (Let's break our chains)
Venceremos, Venceremos
Zulme ve yoksulluga paydos (End the oppression and poverty)
Sili'de halk bugun savasiyor (People are fighting in Chile today)
Cesaret ve aklin gucuyle (With the power of courage and reason)
Kahrolsun halkin katili cunta (Damn junta, the murderer of people)
Yasasin Unidad Popular (Long live Unidad Popular)