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Bài hát Last Rose Of Summer Báo Lỗi

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Lời Bài Hát Last Rose Of Summer

Throughout the soft and timeless days of August

'Til now the shadows begin to grow much longer

The sunset's fire has deepened blood red

I give you this, the last rose of summer

A token of my unyielding love

So when the winter's mantle stills the earth

And all around the scene is dead and cold

This rose reminds you of a time when all was warm and living

Do not despair, mother nature simply rests

In sleep she has well earned

'Til one day not so very far from now

With the opening of the first rose buds I shall return

A token of my unyielding love

So that when winter's mettle steals the earth

And all around the scene is dead and cold

This rose reminds you of a time when all was warm and living

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

In your long shadows

The last rose of summer

In the sunset

The last rose of summer

Take this rose that I give you

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

Don't worry about the winter

The last rose of summer

I shall return

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer

The last rose of summer


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