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Bài hát Letter Báo Lỗi

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Lời Bài Hát Letter

Even if the heart explodes, the lips stay closed
I've been sparing the words, I love you
I want to give you everything, but my hands are shabby
Fear continues to grow in my heart
I don't have very much and lack even more
But I've been trying hard to gain
You must've been lonely, but without any complaints
You smiled and waited for me
I love you
I promise you eternity
My tears speak to me
As they sink into my heart
The name that will not be erased until my life ends
There isn't a reason to always share what I feel
My love is bound to show
Even without a purchased gift, one compliment
Would overjoy that person and bring them into my arms
I love you
I promise you eternity
There are no words that could describe you
My tears speak to me
The name that will not be erased until my life ends
In a place in my heart, saddness lies
I'm sorry for having memories without you in them
I didn't want to have any part of me
Not to be filled with you
I was a person born today
I have started to fill my heart again,
the first word I said was your name
As if the world is ending tomorrow

With every part of me I love you,
The name that will not be erased until my life ends
You're my last love

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