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Bài hát The Music Báo Lỗi

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Lời Bài Hát The Music

I cannot change

How do I feel

I cannot change and now know 'what can I do'?

I cannot change

I do oblige

I need The Music, you know I want-this.

I cannot change

I understand

I cannot change and now know 'what can I do'?

I cannot change

The music of the world

The Music..The Music..The Music..The Music..The Music..The Music..

Since(or Its) the music comes alive!

How do I feel

How do (I love) / (alive) / ( not sure)

How do (unsure) a place (unsure)

How do I feel

How do (I love) / (alive) / ( not sure)

How do (unsure) a place for

Please don't stop the music

(please) Don't stop the music (repeated)

The music comes alive!

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