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Bài hát Heresy Báo Lỗi

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Lời Bài Hát Heresy


All around that dull grey world

From Moscow to Berlin

People storm the barricades

Walls go tumbling in

The counter-revolution

People smiling through their tears

Who can give them back their lives

And all those wasted years?

All those precious wasted years

Who will pay?

All around that dull grey world

Of ideology

People storm the marketplace

And buy up fantasy

The counter-revolution

At the counter of a store

People buy the things they want

And borrow for a little more

All those wasted years

All those precious wasted years

Who will pay?

Do we have to be forgiving at last?

What else can we do?

Do we have to say goodbye to the past?

Yes I guess we do

All around this great big world

All the crap we had to take

Bombs and basement fallout shelters

All our lives at stake

The bloody revolution

All the warheads in its wake

All the fear and suffering

All a big mistake

All those wasted years

All those precious wasted years

Who will pay?

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