Love is a battle but we keep on fighting
Keep on surviving Ain't gonna break us down
Cause we're the writers of our own love story
Me and my shorty We're gonna work it out
me^ru wokuretabakarinanoni denwa ga tsunaga ranai
喧嘩しそうになると すぐに Run away
kenka shisouninaruto suguni Run away
anatato watashi no futari no mondai nohazujanai ?
誰に何を長電話 話しているの?
dare ni naniwo nagadenwa hanashi teiruno ?
Love is a battle but we keep on fighting
Keep on surviving Ain't gonna break us down
Cause we're the writers of our own love story
Me and my shorty We're gonna work it out
知れば知るほど 知らないことが 増えていくみたい
shire ba shiru hodo shira naikotoga fue teikumitai
今でも あなたは寂しがりやな人ね
ima demo anataha sabishi gariyana nin ne
逢えば逢うほど 好きが倍増 もっと知りたくなる
ae ba au hodo suki ga baizou motto shiri takunaru
とりあえずは 飽きるくらい一緒にいて
toriaezuha aki rukurai isshoni ite
Love is a battle but we keep on fighting
Keep on surviving Ain't gonna break us down
Cause we're the writers of our own love story
Me and my shorty We're gonna work it out
terebi . keitai . bideoge^mu suru jikan yorimo
私の方を よりたくさん愛してよ
watashi no houwo yoritakusan itoshi teyo
home raretenobiru onna ga ooi kotowo shitte tene
昨日よりも 可愛い私でいたいの
kinou yorimo kawaii watashi deitaino
Love is a battle but we keep on fighting
Keep on surviving Ain't gonna break us down
Cause we're the writers of our own love story
Me and my shorty We're gonna work it out