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Bài hát 信爱成瘾 / Tin Yêu Hóa Bệnh Báo Lỗi

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Lời Bài Hát 信爱成瘾 / Tin Yêu Hóa Bệnh

不夠熟的 都說我天真
Bùgòu shú de dōu shuō wǒ tiānzhēn
Those that don’t know me well all say I am too naive

身邊的朋友 卻罵我笨
shēnbiān de péngyǒu què mà wǒ bèn
While the close friends around me call me foolish

總奮不顧身 換累累傷痕
zǒng fènbùgùshēn huàn lěilěi shānghén
Always forgetting about one’s own safety, [and] in return, become riddled with scars

Wǒ dǒng ài bùshì wú suǒ bùnéng
I understand that love is not omnipotent,

dàn zhìshǎo àile jiù yǒu kěnéng
but at least when you love there is possibilities

地球是圓的 愛會圓滿的
dìqiú shì yuán de ài huì yuánmǎn de
Earth is round, love will complete it

hébì zàihū yántú yǒu duō qūzhé
Why care about how many twists and turns there are along the way

信愛成癮了 沒有愛活不了了
Xìn'ài chéng yǐnle méiyǒu ài huó bùliǎole
Love addicted, can not live without love

沒當過飛蛾 不懂撲火多快樂
méi dāngguò fēi é bù dǒng pū huǒ duō kuàilè
Never been a moth, don’t understand the flame’s happiness*

捨不得戒了 再有傷我也認了
Shěbudé jièle zài yǒu shāng wǒ yě rènle
Cannot bear to quit it, even if I get hurt again, I will accept it

流著淚擁抱回憶 又有何不可
liúzhe lèi yǒngbào huíyì yòu yǒu hé bùkě
Crying while embracing the memory, what’s wrong with that

只有被愛折磨著 我才覺得活著
Zhǐyǒu bèi ài zhémózhe wǒ cái juédé huózhe
Only when being tortured do I feel like I am living

害怕愛了 結局很殘忍
Hàipà ài liǎo jiéjú hěn cánrěn
Afraid that after loving the result would be very cruel

到最後 變成了愛無能
dào zuìhòu biànchéngle ài wúnéng
In the end, becoming incapable of love

這樣的人生 太不痛癢了
zhèyàng de rénshēng tài bù tòngyǎngle
This kind of life, is too inconsequential

wǒ cái bùyào zhè zhǒng píng'ān xǐlè
I do not what this kind of peaceful happiness

信愛成癮了 沒有愛活不了了
Xìn'ài chéng yǐnle méiyǒu ài huó bùliǎole
Love addicted, can not live without love

沒當過飛蛾 不懂撲火多快樂
méi dāngguò fēi é bù dǒng pū huǒ duō kuàilè
Never been a moth, don’t understand the flame’s happiness*

捨不得戒了 再有傷我也認了
Shěbudé jièle zài yǒu shāng wǒ yě rènle
Can not bear to quit it, even if I get hurt again, I will accept it

流著淚擁抱回憶 又有何不可
liúzhe lèi yǒngbào huíyì yòu yǒu hé bùkě
Crying while embracing the memory, what’s wrong with that

只有被愛折磨著 我才覺得活著
Zhǐyǒu bèi ài zhémózhe wǒ cái juédé huózhe
Only when being tortured do I feel like I am living

Ràng wǒ zhèyàng huózhe
Let me live like this

像個傻瓜又如何 有多痛沒在怕的
Xiàng gè shǎguā yòu rúhé yǒu duō tòng méi zài pà de
So what if I’m like a fool, no matter how painful, I am not afraid

愛是帶刺的快樂 越難得越值得
ài shì dàicì de kuàilè yuè nándé yuè zhídé
Love is thorns' happiness, the more rare it is, the more worthy it is

當個傻瓜又如何 有些痛會成癮的
Dāng gè shǎguā yòu rúhé yǒuxiē tòng huì chéng yǐn de
So what if I am a fool, there are some types of pains that will turn addictive

愛了 你就會懂了
àile nǐ jiù huì dǒngle
When you love, you’ll understand

信愛成癮了 沒有愛活不了了
Xìn'ài chéng yǐnle méiyǒu ài huó bùliǎole
Love addicted, can not live without love

沒當過飛蛾 不懂撲火多快樂
méi dāngguò fēi é bù dǒng pū huǒ duō kuàilè
Never been a moth, don’t understand the flame’s happiness*

捨不得戒了 再有傷我也認了
Shěbudé jièle zài yǒu shāng wǒ yě rènle
Can not bear to quit it, even if I get hurt again, I will accept it

流著淚擁抱回憶 又有何不可
liúzhe lèi yǒngbào huíyì yòu yǒu hé bùkě
Crying while embracing the memory, what’s wrong with that

只有被愛折磨著 我才覺得活著
Zhǐyǒu bèi ài zhémózhe wǒ cái juédé huózhe
Only when being tortured do I feel like I am living

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