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Bài hát Amazing Grace Báo Lỗi

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Lời Bài Hát Amazing Grace

amazing grace, how sweet the sound

歌 that saved a wretch like me.

词 i once was lost but now im found,

转 was blind but now i see.

自 (歌词转自 音魁网

音 twas grace that taught my heart to fear

魁 and grace my fear relieved

网 how precious did that grace appear,

i the hour i first believed.

n (歌词转自 音魁网

k through many dangers, toils and snares

u we have already come

i twas grace that brought us safe thus far

· and grace will lead us home.

c (歌词转自 音魁网

o when weve been there ten thousand years

m bright shining as the sun;

  weve no less days to sing gods praise

  than when we first begun.

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