Viva la pa-pa-pappa
Ah alive pa-pa-pappa
What is a head-po-po-po-polavoro
Viva la pappa pa-pa-ppa
With po-po-tomato
The history of the past
Now taught us
What a hungry people
She is a revolutionary new
Which is why hungry
We combatutto
Therefore, "good appetite"
We have breakfast
Viva la pa-pa-pappa
Ah alive pa-pa-pappa
What is a head-po-po-po-polavoro
Viva la pappa pa-pa-ppa
With po-po-tomato
The belly grumbles
It is because of complottto
It is because of the struggle:
"Down with the Director!"
Now the soup is cooked
And we all sing
We say that
Pappa al pomodoro!
Viva la pa-pa-pappa
Ah alive pa-pa-pappa
What is a head-po-po-po-polavoro
Viva la pappa pa-pa-ppa
With po-po-tomato
Viva la pappa pa-pa-ppa
With po-po-tomato!