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Bài hát Just the Same Báo Lỗi

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Lời Bài Hát Just the Same

You could've walked a long back road,

or a lonely strech of beach,

you could have sat there

on a park bench,a sunday

paper at your feet.

If you'd been waiting for a taxi

or at a bus stop in the rain,

I would've found you,I would've found you,

Just The Same

You know you could've been a

gambler,whose luck was running low,

Or just another drifter without

a single place to go,

you could have been a broken dreamer

without a penny to your name.

I would've loved you,I would've loved you,

Just The Same

No it really didnt matter,

who who'd been or

what you'd done.Where we met

or when It happened you'd still be the one

There's no way to know the future

But one thing will never change,

I'm gonna love you,I'm gonna love you,

Just The Same

I'm gonna love you,I'm gonna love you

Just The Same

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