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Video Are The Wood Elves Cannibals?

Ca sỹ: MrRhexx

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Mô Tả

Are the Wood Elves truly cannibals? Where is this proof? Is this still the case?

This particular subject eluded me for the longest time in the past because i personally never saw where people were getting the info. And after getting it, it kept surprising me how I felt people were blowing it out of proportions so i am here to in some ways help dispel that notion the best i can. Are they still technically cannibals? Sure. But it is not even close to as hardcore as people make it out to be.

****Also to correct myself on one thing, the Khajiit god is called Nirni not Nami. I read the "rn" like an "m" and misremembered the "a" in there anyways. Point is I butchered that name. My apologies.

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