These are 5 different races of creatures that prevalent in the lore of Elder Scrolls but have been either completely absent in the games or have appeared but maybe once or twice in the old early games.
Point of note, this list is not intended to showcase the rarest creatures overall but simply those that do not make strong appearances in the single player elder scrolls games. This video is intended for the gaming audience, and not for the readers. If you have played arena and daggerfall, and have read everything about the world of Elder Scrolls then some of this will just simply not shock you.
That being said, enjoy!!!
My list:
5) Lycanthrope types (Wereboar, Werevulture, Werelion, Whereshark)
4) The Lilmothiit
3) The Imga
2) The Nymphs
1) The Sloads
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