✖ Follow Me on Facebook: http://fbl.me/ThePrimeCronus
✖ Follow Me on G-Plus: http://goo.gl/EJXouj
✖ Subscribe to ThePrimeCronus II: http://goo.gl/P5T9gI
✖ Subscribe to One Hour Station: http://goo.gl/44ZRnG
✖ Subscribe to ThePrimeThanatos: http://goo.gl/QZJrLb
✖ Subscribe to Prime Athena: (Anime) https://goo.gl/lOL6ic
✖ Track List:
00:22 Tom Player - Blade of Blood (Position Music)
02:50 Ivan Torrent - Cryptwalker (Postion Music)
05:52 Wojciech Golczewski - Overturn
08:01 Kari Sigurdsson - Exponential Decay
11:28 Origins Audio - Last Man Standing
13:35 Masseve - Rival
16:56 Magnus H. Tellmann - Leviathan
19:46 Daniel Mekis - Push
22:21 Christian Baczyk - Maximus
24:08 Acherontic Dawn - The Cycle Begins
27:08 Robert Slump - Dark Hero
29:16 Kings And Creatures - Vengeance (Position Music)
32:12 Thunderstep Music - The Horde Is Near
35:31 Alex Moukala - Codename Highwind
37:50 Martin Hasseldam - Sentenced To Death (Colossal Trailer Music)
41:45 Todd Burns - Changing Tides
43:53 Toxic Recordings - Dark Skies
45:54 Julius Bölk - When Worlds Collide
48:53 DYATHON - Dark Knight
52:24 Soundcritters - Dark Tides
54:38 James Floyd III Brown - The Coming Darkness (Revolt Production Music)
57:18 Jo Blankenburg - Sanctum (Position Music)
Thanks to Al Abrar for creating timestamps.
✖ Image:
Note for the new Artists:
✖✖ If you would like to submit your track, visual art for promotion.
✖✖ If you want to add any kind of information which belongs to the video (audio or visual)
✖✖ If you have any issues regarding any of the videos.
Please look for my email address in my channel's about page, please do not send me message on this channel.
Submission Requirements:
✖✖ Audio - Please specify the genre on submission
✖✖ Please provide all your social media links for description.
✖✖ Audio - Must be minimum 320kbps
Copyright Info ©
✔ Be aware all music and pictures belongs to the original artists.
✔ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this.