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Video ULTIMATE POWER | Epic Music Mix

Ca sỹ: ThePrimeCronus

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✖ Track List:
2WEI - Neptune
Ninja Tracks - Republic
Hi-Finesse - Destructo
Alexander Norman - Return Of The King
Kyle Booth - No Man's Land
Dmitriy Mityukhin - Phenomenon
Twelve Titans Music - Earth Avenger
Gothic Storm - Infinite Power
DA Olson - Legacy
David Chappell - Never Surrender
Krale - From The Ashes
Mitchell Broom - Redemption
Kevin Mantey & Alex Doan - Invictus
Mark Petrie - Makalu
Twelve Titans Music - Indestructible
2WEI - Crimson Blaze
Adam Peters - Admission
Jo Blankenburg - Cerberus
Damned Anthem - Edge Of Nowhere
Ninja Tracks - New Horizon

✖ Image:

Note for the new Artists:

✖✖ If you would like to submit your track, visual art for promotion.
✖✖ If you want to add any kind of information which belongs to the video (audio or visual)
✖✖ If you have any issues regarding any of the videos.

Please look for my email address in my channel's about page, please do not send me message on this channel.

Submission Requirements:

✖✖ Audio - Please specify the genre on submission
✖✖ Please provide all your social media links for description.
✖✖ Audio - Must be minimum 320kbps

Copyright Info ©

✔ Be aware all music and pictures belongs to the original artists.
✔ I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this.

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