Bangalore-based police inspector Amar is approached by Mumbai's police commissioner, Vinod Talwar , and is assigned the task to go undercover and locate and kill the killer(s) of a businessman, Khanna. Amar soon finds out that the culprit is his childhood friend, Raja Lokhande. Amar's other childhood friends, Jaggu Lokhande and Surya are also working for Lala Roshan Lal, a major ganglord. He joins their gang as well using their friendship.
Movie:-Angaaray (1988)
Starcast:- Akshay Kumar, Pooja Bhatt, Sonali Bendre, Nagarjuna, Paresh Rawal
Directed by:- Mahesh Bhatt
Music by:- Anu Malik, Aadesh Shrivastava
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