This video is a complete and detailed guide to levelling exploits in World Of Warcraft from 1-110, optimized for patch 7.3.5 and the recent scaling changes/revamp. The methods in this guide will allow you to significantly increase your levelling speed by as much as 50-100% (varying somewhat based on class and other random variables).
0:00 Intro
1:10 Can I get banned for doing this?
1:47 Level 1-10 , 1-15
2:51 Level 10-60, Method Zero, Ragefire Chasm (Horde)
5:51 Returning to the start of dungeon, new method
7:26 Method Zero, Stockades (Alliance), Level 15-60
7:55 Infinite Orc Army (Horde), Level 10-60
9:23 Johnny Awesome And Apothecary Lydon Glitch (Horde), Level 20-60
10:57 Farmer Army (Alliance), Level 35-60
12:26 Wetlands Instant Respawn Farm (only requires ONE account, two characters as with Method Zero), Level 10-60
14:04 Hellfire Ramparts, Method Zero, Level 60-80
15:56 Soloing Hellfire Ramparts Level 80-83
16:14 Mob Grinding At Hyper-Speed in Sunwell Plateau, Level 70-80
17:25 Lost City Of The Tol'Vir, 80-90
19:00 SkipTo Pandaria, Draenor, quickly
20:41 Vehicle Glitch, Level 94-100
21:50 Secret Armour Debuff, Level 100-110
22:22 Demon Invasion Raid Finder Exploit Level 100-110
23:28 Reset Class Cooldowns Level 90-110
25:34 How long does it take to get 110?
26:15 Closing Thoughts and Dubious Sales Pitch
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