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Video GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony - Mission #8 - Bang Bang [100%] (1080p)

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Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony Mission Walkthrough Video in Full HD (1080p)

GTA IV & Episodes from Liberty City (Chronological Order) Playlist:

GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony Walkthrough [with Cutscenes] Playlist:

This video shows how to complete all mission objectives on a single play-through, although the 100% completions are cumulative and can be achieved on multiple play-throughs.


Mission N. 8

Mission Name: Bang Bang

● The first target is a construction foreman. He operates the nearby crane.
● Throw several sticky bombs onto the base of the crane.
● The crane is rigged to blow, get clear.
● Now detonate the bombs to destroy the crane.
● The next target is on an out of service subway train, intercept it at the tunnel exit.
● Destroy the train using sticky bombs.
● Get to the airport. The next target's plane is taking off at 20:30.
● You must destroy the plane before it takes off.
● Security has spotted you and the plane is preparing to take off.
● Lose the cops.

Mission 100% Requirements:
- Time: 5m 00s [YES]
- Player Damage: 50% [YES]
- No Bombs Wasted [YES]

Reward: $2,500

Location: Algonquin, Liberty City

Given by: Anthony "Gay Tony" Prince


Related Achievements \ Trophies:
- Gold Star


Game available on: Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360 & PC
Video recorded on: PC with all settings maxed out

Audio file(s) provided by

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GTA Series Videos is a dedicated fan-channel keeping you up to date with all the latest news, video walkthroughs and official trailers of the most successful video games published by Rockstar Games, including Grand Theft Auto series, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, L.A. Noire, Bully and many others.
This channel is in no way tied to Rockstar Games or Take-Two Interactive.

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