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Not every celebrity is, well, celebrated. Some stars drum up more controversies than fans — and still keep going despite the fact that the public has made it pretty clear they aren't very interested anymore. Based on backlash, as well as sales, these are the stars people just can't seem to stand...
Katherine Heigl | 0:20
Robin Thicke | 1:35
Chris Brown | 2:23
Madonna | 3:02
Jenny McCarthy | 3:56
Iggy Azalea | 4:41
Read more here → http://www.nickiswift.com/41837/stars-havent-figured-one-likes-anymore/
Celebrity Secrets
The Real Reason Alicia Keys Stopped Wearing Makeup
4 Strange Secrets Will Smith's Family Tried To Hide
Why Hollywood Dropped Catherine Zeta-Jones
Stars Who Are Only In Relationships For The Money
Celebrities Who Treat Their Employees Like Trash
Sketchy Things About Brad Pitt That Everyone Just Ignores
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