1. What did you use to make this?
This was done in Source Filmmaker and it took two months to make. I scrounged up or otherwise ported and tweaked DoW assets for this one, and I take no credit for the models themselves. Some of the models here were made by joazzz2 (http://joazzz2.deviantart.com/)
2. Why are the Blood Ravens' shoulderpads the wrong color, and why do the Tau have such strong recoil, and why isn't the guardsman praying with the Aquila handsign, and what's up with the lasgun's rate of fire?
All of these are oversights on my part, so that's my bad.
3. What songs did you use?
It's all a single song, and I composed it myself, for this specifically. You can grab it here:
4. Are you planning to make more of these?
Yes. Initially I intended this to be a small project to hone my skills and practice; I didn't expect to see such a passionate demand for more. Which is what persuaded me to get into it all a bit more.
Also, just to throw it out there, if there's someone who is interested in doing assets, modelling or really any kind of contribution such as voicework for my future stuff, don't hesitate to give me a shout since that'd be very helpful. In the case of 40K, perhaps even lore consultants so I don't miss any more of those little details. :P
This video is unofficial and in no shape or form endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer 40,000 franchise belongs to Games Workshop, and I am in no way or form affiliated.