Jamie Cullum - PILLOWTALK (ZAYN). The Song Society No.5
I didn't click with the song straight away but it was pounded into my brain just because I am a human on planet earth and couldn't avoid it. I heard my wife singing it so prettily and I thought I should have a crack at it. And so started the hour (we time ourselves to learn and record the song in under an hour) which was MUCH harder than I thought! It's not that it is a hard song necessarily, on the contrary, this one is particularly simple. I realised when picking it apart that this is a truly modern pop song because it's collective power is tied up with the production and the star quality of it's leading man - an ex One Directioner no less. When you pull it apart you're not left with much else. HOWEVER - it still bloody werk werk werks! The rhythm of the verse melodies and the military drum patterns, the unfettered teenage diary-ness of the lyrics, the soaring chorus and that line - "So we'll piss off the neighbours!"
I love learning other people’s songs. I find it teaches me a whole lot about songwriting which is particularly inspirational when I’m writing a new album (which is what I am doing NOW!) This time I thought I’d film and record it for you all to check it out and start an official Song Society. The songs I will be doing will be learnt and performed live, warts and all within an hour. These are NOT definitive reconstructions, just a window in to my own education! As the process develops we could vote on what the next song will be if you like? Maybe you’ve recorded you’re own version of this song and share it with us all and let’s discuss what makes these songs great. Here are the rules (made, of course, to be broken).
The Song Society
1. Find a song you love or are fascinated by.
2. Learn and record live within the hour.
3. No previous preparation allowed.
4. Love and live with the mistakes.