I've carefully crafted the perfect comp to enable the greatest of all Wombo Combo's... Now it's up to us to try and execute it!
► The Oasis Effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKh0JHz2rDg
► Awesome dudes in this video!:
Datto: http://www.youtube.com/DattoDoesDestiny
BlueWestlo: http://www.youtube.com/BlueWestlo
Rhabby_V: http://www.twitch.tv/rhabby_v
Sharkk: http://www.twitch.tv/Sharkk_Tooth
Dork: http://www.youtube.com/DorkShadow
✔ Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/MyMisterFruit?sub_confirmation=1
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrFruitYT
✔ Instagram: https://instagram.com/mrfruitgaming/
☛ Send me something!
Mr. Fruit PO Box 1163
Castle Rock CO 80104
Outro Song:
'Chiptune Does Dubstep' by Teknoaxe
License: Royalty Free
THE ULTIMATE WOMBO COMBO COMP - Overwatch Gameplay (Funny Moments)