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Video 天涯共此时20130618 功夫Kung fu中国 白鹤拳 -HD高清完整版

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Mô Tả 更多精彩《天涯共此时》精彩节目,欢迎订阅。本期节目主要内容: 白鹤拳是在清朝初年顺治年间由福建省福宁州(现霞浦县)北门外少林拳师方种的独生女方七娘所创。仿生象形白鹤脚,鹤舞长空展英豪。练武健身功效大,攻防技击价值高。它的理论对于当时整个南少林武术界起著非常巨大又深远的影响,时至今日,还有一些少林南拳仍然沿用这些本来属于永春白鹤拳的"拳谱"、"拳经"。
In this program, the main content: White Crane is in the Qing Dynasty Shunzhi years by the Fujian Funingxin State (now Xiapu County) outside the north side of Shaolin boxer daughter Fang Qiniang created by species. Bionic pictographic foot crane, crane dance show sky hero. Efficacy big martial arts fitness, defending and attacking high value. Its theory for the entire Southern Shaolin martial arts was huge and plays a very profound impact, to date, there are some Shaolin fist still follow these Yongchun White Crane originally belonged to the "boxing spectrum", "fist through."

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