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Video 中华医药20130821 苗奶奶的智慧养生

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她年近百岁,家里家外闲不住;她祛病养生,环保省钱有绝招;她与人为善,顺应自然心地宽。她就是百岁老人苗月英,本期节目将带您走进她的养生世界。更多精彩内容,敬请收看本期节目。 (《中华医药》 20130821 苗奶奶的智慧养生)
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"Chinese medicine" current program main elements: "Chinese Medicine" column reflects the various interests and needs of different audiences, involving a Chinese traditional medicine, habits and ethics and so on. Such as "health topics" hot health concerns, promote scientific way of life, "Medicine masters" Focus on China doctors, personified display of Chinese medicine culture, "Tao mailbox" for overseas viewers Xunyiwenyao provide health guidance, "SOP" explore relieve pain in patients with disease recipe, "health way" spread Chinese health culture. Please pay attention to the current program content.

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