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Video Urfaust - Ritual Music for the True Clochard (2012) full compilation, vinyl

Ca sỹ: Metal Vault

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Mô Tả

Direct links are provided to purchase the compilation on CD, vinyl, and digital format. Links are also given for Urfaust and Ván Records.

Track 1-4: Remastered tracks from "Verräterischer, nichtswürdiger Geist"

Track 5 - 7: Tracks from Circle of Ouroborus Split

Track 8: Track from Joyless Split

Track 9: Track from The Ruins Of Beverast Split

Track 10: Track from Celestial Bloodshed Split

CD/vinyl purchase (Ván Records)

Digital format (Ván Records, bandcamp)

Ván Records double LP, 2012.

A1. Ragnarök Mystiker 05:42

A2. Gespinnst des Verderbens 04:27

A3. Verflucht das Blenden der Erscheinung 07:09

A4. Der Gottesverächter

C1. Verächtung wird einen messertragenden Schatten 02:41

C2. Der halbtoten Dichters Schein-Existenz 05:10

C3. Dämmert, gelähmt und mit scheinbar erloschenem Geist

D1. Unter Töchtern der Wüste 06:41

D2. Vom Geist der Schwere 04:33

D3. Der König in Thule

*Side B is laser-etched.

Urfaust (Facebook)

Urfaust (Big Cartel)

Urfaust (Ván Records, bandcamp)

Ván Records (homepage)

Ván Records (Facebook)

Ván Records (YouTube)

Promotional purposes only.

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