Mike LOVES Overwatch!
LIKE this video if you're a BEAST!
Main Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/M3RKMUS1C
No seriously, he actually does love Overwatch.
Well, maybe love is an exaggeration.
He wants to have emotionless sex with Overwatch.
Check out my Overwatch Buddies!
Ben - https://twitter.com/42camelstinycar
Mike - https://www.youtube.com/user/MerkRampage
Nicole - https://twitter.com/Dankosaurusx
OP - https://www.youtube.com/overpowderedlol
Tina - https://www.youtube.com/user/SheKnives
Outro Song: All Aboard - Youtube Audio Library
Thanks for watching!
Erik - Nerd Plays