Video Title: Finger Family Song Lyrics | Popular Kids Nursery Rhymes Songs | Children Songs | Mum Mum TV
The Finger Family song is a beautifully animated 3:33 minute-long soundtrack to a video on learning about fingers with Daddy Finger as the thumb, Mommy Finger as the second finger, Brother Finger as the third finger, Sister Finger as the fourth finger and Baby Finger as the fifth finger.
It is about a girl, the eldest in a family of six, who is learning about fingers. This family, the finger family takes a boat that docks at an island called the finger family port. They are excited to see the finger family dinosaurs, monkeys, elephants, the finger family Spiderman and the rest of the finger family game. The animals are excited to see them.
The island has a big hand at the center and once the girl walks up the steps the palm. She doesn’t know but the Finger, Family, is about to play the Finger Family game on her. Once on the palm of the big hand, she sees that all the fingers have the faces of her family painted on each finger, but she can’t quite make out the faces. Even though each finger calls out to her ‘pick me, pick me’ but she can’t see or hear them.
To know the finger on which every member of her family is, she decides to join in on the game. She sings out the Finger Family song lyrics.
To find her dad, she sings out “Daddy Finger, Daddy Finger, where are you?”
Her dad magically appears on the thumb (daddy finger to her), and he answers, back lyrically, ‘Here I am, here I am; how do you do?
To know the name of the finger she asks “Daddy finger, Daddy Finger, what’s your name?”
Her dad answers, “I am thumb, I am thumb, Thumb is my name.”
She does this to the Mommy finger, brother finger, sister finger, and baby finger all of whom appear magically from the tips of the finger. She learns that her finger family represent the thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and the baby finger.
When she jumps off the palm, her parents ask her to name the fingers. Thankfully, the use of the thumb to represent daddy, index finger for mommy, middle finger for brother, ring finger for younger sister the and the baby finger for her baby brother help her remember and learn all about fingers.
Having learned this, they dance in celebration, and she gets a gift from the Finger Family Spiderman as they head out to the docked boat.
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