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Video Anastasiya Shpagina - Real Life Anime Girl

Ca sỹ: The Young Turks

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"Behold: the real-life anime girl. Anastasiya Shpagina, a 19-year-old Ukrainian woman, has brightly colored hair, pale skin and a doe-eyed stare that could be mistaken for an actual cartoon -- it looks as if she's walked straight off the television screen (of a "Sailor Moon" episode, obvi). The online sensation has managed to carve out an internet niche for herself, filling a void for anime lovers who want to turn themselves into living, breathing Japanese cartoon characters like Shpagina. And, surprisingly, it looks like that was a pretty big void -- her Facebook fan page has almost 12,000 likes and her "Flower Fairy" tutorial video has over half a million views on YouTube...".* Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, and Irina Nichita break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from Rebecca Adams / The Huffington Post:

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