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Video Corporate Media ALWAYS Wants More War

Ca sỹ: The Young Turks

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Jimmy Dore interviews Norman Solomon on his recent article, "Russiagate: When Progressives Sound Like Demagogues."

"The over-the-top scapegoating of Russia serves many purposes for the military-industrial complex, Republican neocons and kindred “liberal interventionist” Democrats. Along the way, the blame-Russia-first rhetoric is of enormous help to the Clinton wing of the Democratic Party—a huge diversion lest its elitism and entwinement with corporate power come under greater scrutiny and stronger challenge from the grassroots.

In this context, the inducements and encouragements to buy into an extreme anti-Russia frenzy have become pervasive. A remarkable number of people claim certainty about hacking and even “collusion”—events that they cannot, at this time, truly be certain about. In part that’s because of deceptive claims endlessly repeated by Democratic politicians and news media. One example is the rote and highly misleading claim that “17 U.S. intelligence agencies” reached the same conclusion about Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee—a claim that journalist Robert Parry effectively debunked in an article last week."*

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Jimmy Dore, Steve Oh, and Malcolm Fleschner on this week’s Aggressive Progressives. Norman Soloman skypes in to talk about the articles he wrote about the New York Times. James Cromwell, actor and activist, and Denis Kucinich, former Ohio U.S. Representative, skype in to talk drilling in frack gas in New York. David Hildebrand skypes in to discuss his upcoming election against Dianne Feinstein.

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