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The "Walmart yodeling kid" — or "yodel boy," as he's being called — became an internet phenomenon after a video of him belting out a spirited version of Hank Williams' "Lovesick Blues" in an Illinois Walmart went viral. Since then it's been a whirlwind, with an appearance on Ellen, a college scholarship, and an invitation to appear on the biggest stage in country music - the Grand Ole Opry. So just how has 11-year-old Mason Ramsey done it? Here's everything you didn't know you wanted to know about the Walmart yodeling kid...
Not his first rodeo | 0:31
Like a pig in mud | 1:21
Ellen's DeGenerosity | 2:00
Walmart is rolling in it | 2:55
That giant guitar | 3:26
Yodeling into your DMs | 3:54
Read more here → http://www.nickiswift.com/117612/truth-walmart-yodeling-kid/
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