From surviving the temperatures of the desert to escaping a flaming plane, here are 9 Important Survival Tips You Need To Know.
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4. Surviving a Plane Crash
Each and every year, thousands of people will get inside automobiles that fly over 7.5 miles in the sky. Although it’s safer to fly in a plane, than to take an automobile, that’s not really saying much considering there’s over 1.3 million fatalities from automobiles each year with an addition 20-50 million injuries. While aviation is getting safer, there are quite a few things you gotta watch out for! What ends up killing most passengers during the plane crashes is actually the fire that engulfs the plane, like you see here . If you’re lucky, you can indeed survive the impact despite popular belief. In fact it’s much rarer for no one to survive a crash than it is everyone to lose their life. You have roughly 90 seconds to get out of all the wreckage after the plane hits the ground! Airplanes are made of aluminum and the heat that radiates off them can get pretty intense. Fire can spread quite quickly on planes so you just have to do your best to get away from the scene as possible. Keep a close eye on where all the exits are on the plane. You really also should consider reading that safety manual that’s normally right in front of you. Get that oxygen mask on as quickly as possible. There’s also a few brace positions which actually do work, like curling up in a ball. This will keep your limbs from flying all over the place. Remain calm, brace for impact and get the heck out of the crash scene and you might be okay!
3. Bee Swarm
Africanized honey bees were basically an experiment that’s gone wrong and now these deadly bees get the nickname of killer bees, because that’s what they can do. An ill advised hybridization between western and african bees which was supposed to yield more honey. Swarms of bees escaped the experimental facility and gained access to the southern united states. These bees are much more aggressive and are known to follow you for up to a quarter mile if you disturb them. They swarm in large numbers and just don’t like humans! Disturbing a killer bee hive can draw up to 2000 attacking bees all coming straight for you! So what should you do in the case of disturbing a killer bee hive? The first piece of advice we can give you, would be to run as fast as possible! Most humans can move much faster than bees can and if you were able to run a lap in gym class, that would be about the same distance as their attack range. Don’t try to swat them because this will basically only make them angrier and that’s not something you want to do. It’s also suggested that you should pull your shirt over your face to protect it. While this might expose your body to bee stings, you don’t want anything to happen to that moneymaker!
2. Trapped on Open Water
You and your buddies decide have a great time on your boat when all of a sudden a storm hits the seas. Your boat was damaged and you no longer have a way to get back to the shore. You're stuck at sea. TRying to survive on floating boat can bring up some challenges and ultimately, being prepared for this situation is the best tip. But it’s not always that easy. Do your best to stay afloat and hope that rescue eventually arrives. The first thing you need to think of while waiting for rescue is how am i going to get water? The first option would be to capture rainwater since the ocean saltwater is off limits and will cause kidney failure. Your next best option is to drink fish fluids which contain fluid in their spines, eyeballs, and their skin. Surviving the open seas isn’t always pretty. Your next concern is going to be getting food and if you found fish already good job! Take your shoestrings and turn them into fishing line. You can try to make a hook with a pocket knife, shards from aluminum cans. Worst case scenario, if a fellow survivor didn’t make it you could always eat them and resort to cannibalism!
1. Avoiding the Gators
Spring and summer is gator mating season and it’s during this time of year when they are the most aggressive and can bite harder than a great white shark! It’s also the time of year when people want to start enjoying natural bodies of water, where gators might be lurking;. Fishing and swimming are both fun activities at lakes, but you better watch out because some monsters might be lurking beneath the murky waters. How do you keep yourself from becoming gator bait? There’s an estimated 1.4 million gators living in Florida alone and encounters can be fatal. First rule should be to never try to feed the alligators and never try to swim in the same bodies of water with them. This seems like common sense but you’d be surprised. It’s better to run than to hide.