Please turn on annotations to see the lyrics! Translation notes after the disclaimer.
The song, lyrics, and video are the property of Codomo Dragon and B.P.Records. The translation is mine and probably should not be reproduced anywhere, but if you really want to use it for something, please let me know and credit me fully.
I found the kanji lyrics here:
If you see any errors, have any suggestions, or just want to chat about the song, please let me know! I'd love any sort of feedback.
Some notes:
There are quite a few changes between the kanji lyrics and the actual lyrics in this song. Most of them are pretty minor, but I'll point out the ones that change the meaning.
At 0:59, the kanji say "shuuen" (demise) instead of "owari" (end).
At 1:31, the kanji say "fukikieru" (to be blown out) instead of "kieru" (disappear). This happens again at 3:31. Additionally, the line about the music is pretty strange. "Chokkagata" is used to describe a near-field earthquake, but he says "music" instead of "earthquake." A near-field earthquake has a focus just below the surface of the area it affects. So in the song, the "focus" is just below the crown of the head.
At 2:17, the kanji lyrics combine "mai mai" (every time) with "maindo" (mind) to make "mai maindo." It's just a play on words, and he only says "mai mai."
At 3:07, the kanji say "mou hajimatteru" (it's already started) instead of "owatteru" (it's over).
At 3:23, "sarumane" implies something like "monkey see, monkey do."
Please let me know of any errors I might have made or any questions you might have. I look forward to your feedback!